Saturday 30 November 2013

The practice is gearing up for all change with our practice management software. For the past 12 years we have been using the same software to store all your pet's statistics, clinical records and financial information. The old system had got a bit like a slow dinosaur, lumbering along and occasionally coming to a complete and utter standstill.

Several months ago we decided it was time to get something more up to today's pace of life. Behind the scenes we have been planning away and getting our new hardware installed by our team of expert techies. There is a new server hidden in the office which has lots of flashing lights and makes reassuring whirs and hisses. We also have new monitors to make it easier for all the team to navigate the information.

Finally, all of the staff have been fitting in some training online about the new system but most of them admit to a slight dread with the change this week. We will be working on the old system on Tuesday for the last time and as we shut the monitors down it will be with a touch of sadness. All day Wednesday we are going to be training some more and installing the new system. I think you will understand why we took the decision to just run an emergency service on that day. We expect everything to be up and running by Wednesday afternoon on the new system.

And then we will step out into the brave new where we can send you reminders by text, email or old fashioned mail... the choice is yours! And from now on, the vet will be able to text you when you pet has recovered from their operation and is ready to collect. What's more, fairly soon you will be able to log on and book your appointments online yourself. The new system will also communicate directly with our wholesalers, other vets and the practice lab...with the hope that Castle Vets can do their bit for the environment by becoming virtually paperless. We hope you agree that this sounds like something that will help everyone.

So; see you on the other side...

1 comment:

  1. Wishing you all the best with the new improvements to your wonderful service
